Thursday, March 13, 2008

Upcoming Events

There are many Ruby & Rails events throughout the year in the US and around the world. If you are a developer or ISV and you are looking to get involved in the community you should check out the upcoming events; there might be one happening near you. Conferences, workshops,
and monthly meetings of local user groups are all great events where people get together and share ideas about Ruby, Rails, and related technologies.

Morph is sponsoring many Ruby and Rails events this year. If you happen to be at one of these events and you see someone wearing a Morph t-shirt, don't be shy; stop and say "hi". We promise we won't bite you :) We would love to hear about you, your projects and chat with you.

Upcoming events where Morph will be present:

MountainWest Ruby Conference (March 28-29) Salt Lake City, Utah

BarCampOrlando (April 5) Orlando, Florida

Scotland on Rails (April 4-5) Edinburgh, Scotland

GORUCO (April 21) NYC, NY

RailsConf ?08 (May 29 - June 1) Portland, Oregon

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