Thursday, June 5, 2008

Call Us Disruptive, Too.

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Disruption does precede innovation most of the time but what if both run side-by-side? Then, better believe that IT will see the most profound changes in the next few years according to Gartner.
"Gartner defines a disruptive technology as one that causes major change in ?the accepted way of doing things?, including business models, processes, revenue streams, industry dynamics and consumer behaviour."

With so much change occurring in the industry what are the most important trends to watch?

The technology and business foundations for a second Internet revolution are in place. Many enterprises are now looking beyond Web 2.0 at the concept of cloud computing to manage shared computing resources.
Read about Gartner's Top Ten Disruptive Technologies here. Then find out about and see where you can pencil us in that list.

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