Thursday, June 19, 2008

Spike Stop

What is the one thing that irks web app users more often than forgotten passwords? Deteriorating response times. I used to often hear that some Facebook users had stopped adding and sharing apps when they began experiencing significantly lower response times. Twitter shared the same difficulty at several points in time.

Ultimately, this relates to an application's scalability. Scalability relates to the "ability to either handle growing amounts of work in a graceful manner, or to be readily enlarged."

Scalability is an indispensable characteristic for web applications. Web applications that kickoff as a single application running on a server (or a combination of server/web server) and supported by a second application server (in the case the first application server fails) might potentially fail to serve increasing inbound requests. Web applications (or websites) that receive a fair amount of traffic do not have to contend with being able to scale, but is this the perpetual scenario?

As a web application developer, have you thought about your web applications' scalability? Todd Hoff shares some lessons learned. At Morph Labs, we encourage you to show off your Rails and/or Java application by running it on our end-to-end managed hosting platform. If your product hits a spike, we can help you scale. You wouldn't want your web app to simply stop running.

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