Wednesday, July 9, 2008

PaaS: Imperfect Cloud Has Got to Have a Silver Lining

With all the talk about 'cloud' coming on all fronts online, most of it dwelling on the pros and cons of adoption, it is a safe bet that many will form their own preference for what a cloud should be.It would take no less than an ambitious task to create the perfect cloud for all - be it dev guys to regular web users. But first, every provider has got to lay their options and then the process of picking out the standard begins. Wince.

PaaS or Platform as a Service (don't you just hate saying that :) has taken upon itself the innovative task of luring more early adopters to the cloud concept. PaaS provides the ease of deployment, hastens the learning curve and metaphorically, sweetens the bitter pill. And what better way there is than by getting the best of open sourced technologies and bundling them up. No lock-ins and no surprises.

So where's the innovation in that, some might ask? Well, as simple as it may all sound, it does take a lot of effort to create which unfortunately most of the people, even if they know how, doesn't have the time nor resources to mess with it. Put in design interface and valuable metrics, you've got palatable PaaS ready for the taking. Cost-effective and hassle-free.

So, until we can get the cloud to function like an easy-to-switch-to electric grid (or plug n play, if you like), expect a lot more innovations in the PaaS scene. What those specifics are? Don't have all the answers but I'm sure it has nothing to do with proprietary.

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