Friday, July 4, 2008

Ruby Slip-per Then Back to 'Live'

Just have to slip this quick Ruby and Rails fix for our friends who attended POSS and are interested about becoming 'rock star' developers in the future.

Some Ruby and Ruby on Rails (whatever your choice of starting point) online resource for newbies.

Guru or just plain Satish, he'd definitely welcome you as a Ruby pupil. Visit Ruby Learning and enroll like in a college course without the school fees.

74 Quality Ruby on Rails Resources and Tutorials

Neighborly Advice: By the time you get through this list, you're certified.

Why? I dunno. But it's one clever piece of hands-on tutorial that has a certain special quality about it. Poignant.

Any other cool resource I may have missed? Feel free to comment so we could add to the list. Now, back to our 'live' show for the week.

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