Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Green Way

No doubt, people and most especially, businesses, rely on fossil fuels for everyday living. And with the spiraling costs of oil, people fall into different modes on how to cope up with this dilemma. While most would just flat out, try to earn more money to keep up with the costs, some are wise enough to follow the principles of conservation - that is to use the minimum amount of effort/energy that is enough to produce the desired result. Not only does it make sense but indeed, it should be the norm given the current energy situation worldwide.

And so, IT, along its typical march of continuous innovation, may also have stumbled into an energy-saving contribution of its own. Cloud compute, by becoming a central compute infrastructure and storage, can help minimize energy consumption if you really think about it. In their quest to make the business more profitable, the companies in charge of it, will have to think of ways and technology that will help use just enough energy to power their grids in the likely scenario that all of them will have very little differences in what they will offer come a specific point in time.
We just hope that it would be sooner than later.

Oh, and let us not forget SaaS, too. The on-demand model is largely a mental shift into buying only something that you'll use and nothing more.

So as we celebrate today, it is good to know that there is more to IT than stocks, profits and colorful ideas to help brighten the web. Hopefully, we get to see more of green, too.

You can also read my previous rant here.

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