Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Morph Sponsors Ruby on Rails Project Night April 8th in Toronto

On Tuesday, April 8th, 2008, TSOT, Inc. hosts their monthly Ruby on Rails Project Night for the Toronto, Ontario, Canada tech community. The highly anticipated event will be the fourth of its kind for TSOT, Inc., a local developer of scalable peer production networks. The company has seen a great turn out from Toronto's tech elite at past events and we hope this event will be even better.

Doors open at 5:30pm and presentations begin at 6:00pm. This event is free but space is limited; to reserve your spot email corina.newby(at)tsotinc.com directly. Morph, by the way, is the official drink sponsor of the event. You can find out more in the official press release.

We hope all of you Torontonian Rubyists have a great time!

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