Saturday, April 26, 2008

iblog4. Early morning stuff

Morph Labs is an active participant and a sponsor at this event. Here are a couple of thoughts while waiting for the event to start.

7:30 There were only about 10 of us; Early birdies with organizer Janette , expectedly doing some tests with a youtube vid. I'm not sure but I thinks it's the Gorrel guy. Revelations, juicy.
8:00 Tried the wifi. Asks for password. I was told they will give us the specs later.
8:30 People were really now coming in with traffic piling up at the registration. Had to go inside as it is beginning to get really warm with the Manila summer. Team is here. Saw Prof Rom at the registration line.

Left seat to check on something and when I came back somebody's already seated. Was confused on which seat to take. Up between view and ease of movin around - toilet or to the Morph desk set at the lobby. Chose ease and access to electrical outlet. Nice.

8:45 Pax are now reading the packet contents. Curious about what Morph is up to. The audience is pretty diverse. I see some students as well as not so young ones. I'm part of the latter.
Such a chore to be lugging bag with an old digicam 'heavy' and Macbook charger.
8:55 Almost 9. Nice venue here at Malcolm. It has been more than 10 years since I've been here and nothing's changed much but first time to be seated here inside the theater. Love the AC. Newsgator to pass the time. Pinoy Bossa music on the background. OST.
9:00 Just saw a guy with a jester hat on. Totally screaming 'Look at me!"
I'm on 9th row so I'm wearing glasses, looking odd.
Where's the connection? Need to post on the iblog4 at the morph eXchange.
I'm itching for some twit twit. Itchy fingers already.
Macbook is still pretty heavy. Wouldn't it be great to have an Eee? I Wish.
9:15 Prof Disini from College of Law - Blogger; So this theater was just newly renovated. Timing. Enough already. Have to listen.

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