Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Morph :: Taking April Fools Seriously

We got to spend a little downtime (of the good kind) over coffee and milkshakes with George and Junie after an exciting Morph Code last Saturday . And we were, unfortunately, still discussing work after a long day that began at midnight with only a few hours of shut-eye. We can only nod our heads in agreement that it truly was quite a week! Bear me with me a little...

And since it's already April, we also got to hear stories about things people do during this day - more popularly known as April Fools. It's unbelievable the things people would go through to make this day memorable like using a fluorescent marker to brush the inside handle of the phone and then making a call to the person which resulted in colorful cheeks and one not-so-happy person planning for some retribution.

You can now check for yourself the new Morph eXchange. Not only is the site more reflective of the staff and the culture now, but more importantly, there's plenty of value to be found inside like the Morph Appspace which can be your very own application delivery environment.

The Morph eXchange becomes "the launch pad into the world of Software as a Service" beginning with Ruby on Rails developers who need more than hosting to deploy and market their web applications. True SaaS, free from all the constraints, begins April 1. Again, try it for yourself. Sign up, click and browse to find out the solutions and services we're offering.

Hopefully, it won't just be us. Heck, we hope to make you part of this. too.

No hoax, no joke and no kidding.

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