Friday, April 18, 2008

Rails Caching and Morph AppSpaces @ PRUG meetup

Great meetup last Wednesday, folks! Sorry for those who had to stand, but hey, we're pretty sure you guys learned a lot. Jeff Roxas, Engineering Manager at Exist Global delivered a presentation about Rails Caching. He basically underscored the importance of caching to enable better, faster Rails applications and dove right into the different caching methods: page caching for public pages, action caching for pages for logged users, and finally fragment caching for dynamic pages (whether public or log in required). He did a few demonstrations and wrapped things up with a lively Q&A.

We managed to get Jeff to speak about Ruby on Rails, "Ruby on Rails is a very dynamic and interesting framework, it provides the developers the 'tools' that they can actually 'use' and not just talk about."

"Caching is just one example, it takes the process to a level simple to understand, but powerful to implement. Like most of the Rails tools we have today."

Up next was our very own Jerome Gotangco -- Platform & Infrastructure Manager. Jerome presented an overview of Morph Labs and a demo of how to deploy Beast onto the Morph Application Platform to the excited Ruby devs. We heard this: I finally deployed on Morph AppSpace! Another lively Q&A followed after a successful demonstration.

By the way, if you still have questions, do visit our forums here. Post a suggestion or let us know what you have in mind, and we'll get back right to you.

You'll see Jerome here with Jeff on his side.

Lastly, Jerry Rapes, General Manager of Exist Global (by the way, they co-hosted this event) gave the final remarks.

If you're interested in joining the group or the next meetups, just log onto

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