Thursday, May 29, 2008

Bandwidth solved, what now?

Quality of telco infrastructure is crucial for the growth of Software as a Service. Just the other day, a $550-million fiber-optic cable network link was launched in La Union, Philippines. Report says that, "The cable landing facility in Bauang, La Union links to the Asia-America Gateway (AAG) project, a 20,000-kilometer long network that will connect Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Brunei Darussalam, Vietnam, Hong Kong, the Philippines, Guam, Hawaii, and the US West Coast."

Whew. This could potentially lead to significant new business opportunities especially along the lines of Software as a Service. Just imagine how this could dramatically improve connectivity among and within organizations. Imagine the possibilities of doing business on the web.

On one hand, enterprises can start to look into the non-critical, non-sensitive data and business processes and begin to evaluate SaaS application alternatives to manage such. SaaS entails low risk -- there's no upfront investment, no hardware to purchase, no additional IT manpower to hire. Small and medium-sized businesses can take advantage of this opportunity to utilize technology in order to improve productivity.

On the other hand, software vendors can start to re-architect their applications to the on-demand model. (A link here to our presentation on Global Opportunities through Software as a Service.) Morph Labs can help software vendors who are interested to deliver web applications on-demand.

If you are a software firm specializing in Ruby on Rails and/or Java, drop us an email at info at mor dot ph or visit our partner page here.

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