Monday, May 12, 2008

Software MetaMORPHosis

You won?t see the price of gas coming down any time soon. So is the adoption of SaaS.

The trend to use the Internet to deliver software applications on an on-demand basis called Software as a Service or SaaS is here to stay. SaaS is not a new concept in the connected world, but what makes it the technology buzzword of today?

Jerome Gotangco, our Platform Manager, will be presenting at the 12th ICT Professionals' Congress this Thursday, that's the 15th of May about software's metamorphosis. In this session, we?ll discuss how SaaS has become a pervasive concept in the connected economy, its potential to harness the global market, and how Philippine innovators can take advantage of it. We?ll also compare how different the traditional service delivery model is to SaaS. We'll also discuss related SaaS enablers like Platform as a Service (PaaS), Open Source and online communities.

This year's ICT Professionals' Congress will once again "bring technology leaders to an event that inspires, informs, and provokes discussion" in the IT industry. More information can be found here.

As a sponsor, Morph Labs looks forward to significantly contributing to "keep the level of competence of the Filipino IT professionals at par with the world?s". See you there!

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