Tuesday, May 27, 2008

User-Centric Design Is Good for SaaS

It feels odd to be talking about 'design' in the same sentence along with SaaS and PaaS. Cloud compute and all its nuances just don't evoke that same feeling that moves anyone to start a talk centered on aesthetics. After all, developers and programmers get their kicks from the beauty of code most of the time. Or do they?

On a timely note coinciding with the launch of our new look, Ben Kepes just posted something about a SaaS product which in his words is, "functional but ugly." That sounded harsh but let's admit it, we still are all, enamored by beauty that functionality alone isn't enough to keep our interests. Balance is key.

Does anybody care about user-centricity? John Maeda does. I believe we do, too. Very much.

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