Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Have Business? Use the Grid

There isn't a lot of business now that doesn't require the use of those boxes stuffed with chips and hard drives.

Right? In more ways than one, it is. Consider that statement and see what is missing. That statement is about hardware and with hardware, naturally comes ... software. Well, not anymore - not the traditional, license-in-a-box we're all used too -and that is information for businesses to ponder, too.

Traditional licensed software would just be a thing of the past if the 'grid' is to be packaged as it should.

The ability to deliver different elements of applications simultaneously over a cohesive network of servers essentially defines grid computing, also known as distribute computing. Grids embrace software or middleware, which enables a user community to make use of the combined power of networked hardware and access applications across the public Internet as services.

Want to know what makes the Grid special? Read more here.

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