Thursday, May 1, 2008

SaaS and instant gratification

I was just reading Bob Warfield's post on Immediate Gratification Matters and he mentioned that:

"Immediate Gratification matters most of all when selling. If prospects can try your application out online, make sure it responds blindingly fast so they can get as far as possible in the evaluation while they are in the mood to look. If a site doesn?t perform well on the trial version, my expectation is that it will perform poorly in production too. That?s not what you want."

Ease of implementation and management is one of the reasons why a lot of people are rapidly adopting Software as a Service (SaaS). Since SaaS apps are readily accessible (via a web-enabled laptop or PC), users immediately interact with the application and make value out of it. When you compare this to the traditional model -- users purchase the software, assembles the server (probably after a certain period when all the right pieces are in place), installs the software, encounters an error -- now what? Big problem. Instant gratification gone.

One of the remarkable characteristics of our Platform as a Service -- Morph AppSpace -- is the ability to scale on-demand and on the fly. If software providers can scale their applications without having to keep their customers waiting, then they've done a good job. If they can scale their apps without having to keep customers waiting, manage not to bring down services, and spend for just what they need -- then that's a job very well done!

By the way, yesterday -- Morph Labs was inducted as a member of the Cebu Educational Foundation for IT or CEDF-IT. Exciting times to come for the Cebu ICT industry!

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