Thursday, May 8, 2008

Cloud Coexistence: Solving the Ruby and Java Conundrum

Like the proverbial Babel Tower, development platforms for Web 2.0 tend to be a disruptive factor among programmers. Protective of their own turfs, supporters of each scripting language tend to lose composure and rant it out sometimes.

Check out how the comparisons and showdowns between Ruby and Java have gone through the years with a few select articles.

Slashdot Ruby- Java Showdown
IBM asks if there is room for both
PHP joins in
CommunityOne Face-Off - Fresh!
Ruby vs Java Conundrum

But things are taking shape which will allow both or eventually, most of the languages to thrive. Ruby and Java can co-exist in his web world and Morph Labs is taking a step towards that direction. Enter the Morph Application Platform for Java.

Developers never had it so easy, don't you think?

You can read about what other people are saying about it here.

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